Hip Hop Dance Competition:
Contestants Total Score
1. Delta Hitwaves - 9.64
2. After Class - 7.84
3. Gigglers - 7.72
4. Yuri Crew - 7.58
5. King Freestylerz - 7.45
6. FZ Crew - 6.77
7. The New Oldz Crew - 6.68
8. Bamos Abailar - 6.57
9. Disciple of Zidan - 6.44
10. Fragglers - 6.15
11. Real Jam Crew - 6.14
12. Ice Crew - 5.99
13. M Crew - 5.94
14. RKS Crew - 5.93
15. Youngster - 5.85
16. Pry Groove - 5.83
17. Speed Dance Crew - 5.82
18. Unlimited Crew - 5.78
19. KX Jammers - 5.76
20. Black Mamba - 5.55
21. Night Rhythm - 5.56
22. Street Crew - 5.55
B-Boy Battle
Champion: Break Kings (Iloilo)
Freestyle Rap Battle
Champion: Bobo Numero Uno
Champion: Dolocab Crew
Beatbox Battle
Champion: Mckoy
Critical Breakdown Crew 11th Year Anniversary Bash
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011

Critical Breakdown Crew is celebrating its 11th year anniversary, showcasing the elements of HIP HOP - bboy, emcees, dj, graffiti, beatbox and hip hop dance competition. A one day event for a cause the proceeds of this event will go to Santo NiƱo Homes and surgical heart operation of Baby Allen Llanera suffering from TOF.
Here's the following info of the event:
1PM - 6PM Graffiti Battle
2PM - Beatbox Battle
4PM - Freestyle Rap Battle
5PM - Bboy Battle 3 vs 3 and
1 vs 1 Bboy Battle (Battle Mania Philippines)
8PM - Hip Hop Dance Competition
10PM - Hip Hop Jams with Mike Kosa and other artist.
Aero of 3rd World (Bacolod)
SYK Unit (Iloilo)
DHK Familia (Iloilo)
Brown Poetics (Dumaguete)
Midnasty (Dumaguete)
Ilongga Divas (Iloilo)
Poy6100 (Bacolod)
Dos Delikados
Saturday, August 6, 2011
B-boy and B-Girl Battles

Fairness in judging is the main concern of the organizer. In order to achieve impartiality in the competition, R-16 OUR System rules and criteria are adapted. Some rules are modified to adapt the local scene and limitations of the competition.
There are 5 Categories/Perspectives of B-boying in which the bboys must battle over.
They are:
1. The Foundation Perspective
2. The Artistic/Originality Perspective
3. The Dynamic Perspective
4. The Execution Perspective
5. The Battle Perspective
The Category of Foundation is about two components:
1. The Confidence/Swagger/Attitude.
2. The Approach to the Music, having one of these 3 qualities in their dance.
a. Complete Musicality, confined only to the sounds of the current music playing.
b. Being Funky, going off, letting go/Sporadic, creating patterns, usually done with footwork.
c. Suave and Finnesse, having the flow, showing control making everything look easy.
The Category of Originality is about the artistic perspective of B-boying. It is about bringing something new, unique, individual and fresh to the battle. There are 4 Components of B-boying that can be Original, or unique to a B-boy alone. These are:
1. Individual Character.
2. Unique Style.
3. Unique Moves.
4. Unique Concepts and Ideas.
The Category of Dynamics is about pushing the boundaries of difficulty to a higher level. It's about having a high level of difficulty within ones style or technique. Since difficulty is an opinion which varies from person to person, the Dynamics category is judged by having a high, distinguishable level of any of these dynamic qualities such as:
- Danger (Risk of Injury)
- Strength
- Speed
- Balance
- Energy
- Complexity
- Flexibility
The category of Execution is about the perfection of the dance. It's not just about making no mistakes throughout the entire round, but showing complete control through all the important components of a bboy battle. The components are:
1. Confidence (The foundation of what bboying was built upon)
2. Rhythm (A rhythm shows that you are in control)
3. Style (Good form, without stumbles or getting stuck)
4. Moves (including entrances and exits)
The category of Battle is about the essence of the game. A battle is not about performing for the audience or judges, but is rather about the conversation and debate between the two opponents. There are two major components that make up the battle category. They are:
1. Aggressive Confidence= Swagger
2. Response: To the opponents style, moves and ideas, using a similar kind.
Battle Mania Philippines: 1 vs 1 National Finals.

1. The bboy or bgirl must abide by the eligibility rules of Battle Mania Philippines bboy Battle.
2. No age limit required
4. All entry bboy or bgirl is selected by the organizer.
5. Waiver & Release of Liability: Each bboy and bgirl must submit a Release of Liability Form and Waiver prior to the competition from liability for any accident or injury occurring to the bboy and bgirl prior to, during, or after the competition.
6. The bboy or bgirl is required to complete the registration form and submit the registration form before the date of the competition.
1. Battle must be held with either 16 or 8 bboys, once all the 16 or 8 slots it will be divided into two brackets. Winners will advance while losers are eliminated without a chance of returning.
1. For the preliminary round of competition each bboy will be given two rounds each. for the semi-final round and final round each bboy is givin three (3) rounds each.. In case of a tie another round (OT) will be provided to break the tie.
1. The judging panel must be consisting of five (5) judges to judge each perspective.
2. Judges must make their decision as to the winner of each round independently.
3. Decision by the judges is final. There is no appeal process. PROTEST - are prohibited and will not be accepted regarding any score or result of a decision.
Entry Criteria
1. Elims 7 mins battle time and in the Finals 10 mins.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Hip Hop Dance Competition Rules and Guidelines

The Official Rules and Regulations Manual of CRITICAL BREAKDOWN JAMS - HIP HOP DANCE COMPETITION contain the participant eligibility/entry requirements, standard procedures and the rules and regulations.
CRITICAL BREAKDOWN HIPHOP DANCE COMPETITION is a competitive dance event that provides performers with opportunities to showcase the artistry and technique of Hip Hop dance and street dance, for media exposure and championship titles. Crews showcase their ultimate works of art in a two (2) minute routine. Creativity, showmanship and artistic freedom are always rewarded provided integrity, good taste and safety are not compromised. The most captivating hip-hop routines contain a variety of dance styles, original moves, showmanship and engaging music.
Hip Hop Dance Defined
There is no one definition to describe hip-hop dance. Hip-hop dance is a fusion of street dance disciplines and cultural interpretations from around the world. A hip-hop dance routine incorporates the look, music, attitude, posture and street dance style to make it uniquely hip-hop. The most real routines showcase a variety of hip-hop dance styles, signature moves and choreography conveying the character and energy of the street.
1. Crews must abide by the eligibility rules of Critical Breakdown Jam - Hip Hop Dance Competition.
2. This is an “open” category.
3. Crews have to undergo series of auditions or submit videos of dance piece.
4. Each entry should have a minimum of 10(ten) members and a maximum of fifteen (15) who may either composed of all male or female or a combination of both.
5. You can request Entry/Registration form from this email address rhythmnblu@yahoo.com
6. Waiver & Release of Liability: Each group must submit a Release of Liability Form and Waiver prior to the competition from liability for any accident or injury occurring to a group member prior to, during, or after the competition.
7. Crews are required to complete the registration form, crew’s achievements after the semifinal final. Failure to comply with all the necessary requirements before the imposed final deadline by the coordinators will automatically cancel their participation.
1. Any kind of hip hop dance is allowed (krumping, break dance, locking, popping, c-walk, etc) or any kind of dance with the hip hop as their focal thought of choreography, provided that the choreographers of the group have the proper knowledge or background to execute it properly.
2. Avoid copying other dance group’s steps, routine, ideas and concept even they are not in the competition and/or you are not permitted to do so. The Hip Hop National Team and the selected judges are one of the most knowledgeable and experienced people who look for performances that are different, new and original. Be yourself and express your group’s diversity with passion, intensity and style.
1. Each groups will be given the opportunity to practice (block) their routine to their music on the competition performance area (stage) at least once prior to the start of the competition. The group is responsible for coming to the practice round on time or it may be forfeited. Each group is given ten (10mins) for blockings. There will be no blockings on stage before the contest start. The group who violate this rule will be deducted 2 points from its total score.
2. Confirmation of attendance/presence of dancers must be made to the dance Committee at least 2 hours before the schedule of the competition.
3. Attire/Costume Attire may include accessories such as hats, caps, gloves, scarves, jewelry, etc. Removing pieces of clothing during the performance is permitted provided it is not offensive or out of character. Discarded clothing should be placed outside the competition area and never thrown off the stage into the audience. Substances applied to the body or clothing that may affect the clean dry surface of the stage and the safety of fellow competitors is prohibited. Group members may wear jazz shoes, dance boots, sneakers, athletic sport shoes or plainly feet. All footwear must have clean, non-scuff soles.
4. Props are not allowed (i.e. canes, chairs, tambourines, musical instruments). Kneepads, helmets, or any other performing apparatus to aid in the safety and proper execution of a move is allowed but concealed, when possible, so as not to detract from the performance or the judges’ concentration on the performance. Using of pyro technics and fire crackers are prohibited, the crew who violate this rule is automatically disqualified.
1. An extraordinary circumstance is an occurrence beyond the control of a group that affects the group’s ability to perform at the beginning or at any time in a routine. An extraordinary circumstance is not limited to the examples listed below and may be declared at the discretion of the Head of the board of judges.
a) Incorrect music is played or cued.
b) Music problems due to equipment malfunction.
c) Disturbances caused by general equipment failure, i.e. lighting, stage, venue or sound.
d) The realization of or introduction of any foreign object or disturbance into the performance
area, just before or during a performance, by an individual or means other than the groups(s).
2. It is the responsibility of the groups to immediately stop the routine if an extraordinary circumstance occurs.
3. The competition organizer, Head of the board of judges will review the situation, and upon a confirming decision and correction of the problem, the groups will be reintroduced, return to the stage and restart their routine. If the group’s claim is determined to be unfounded by the Head of the board of judges, the groups will not be allowed to restart the performance resulting in a default.
4. Claim of an extraordinary circumstance presented by the groups after the routine has been completed will not be accepted or reviewed.
1. It is the responsibility of the group members, manager or choreographer to report a group member’s injury or illness to the event organizer(s).
2. If at any time prior to or during competition a group member is ill, injured, or his/her physical or emotional condition is at risk by participating, he/she may be declared ineligible to compete, or disqualified from competing further. The competition organizer(s) reserves the right to withdraw any competitor who appears to have such serious disability or injury or needs medical attention.
3. The competition organizer(s) reserves the right to request the submittal of a physician’s written authorization for a group member to compete that is deemed medically or emotionally at risk by the competition organizer.
1. The group must perform in a two (2) minute routines. One (1) point shall be deducted from each judge for every five (5) seconds short or five (5) seconds exceeding the time limit. Timing of performance will start from the first note of the music and ends at the last note of music.
2. The participating group must submit their music to the organizer three (3) days before the contest date.
3. The competition music must be the only piece of music and recorded 3x on the CD (track 1-3).
4. The group name and title of the performance/musical piece must be printed on the CD. There is no maximum or minimum number of songs or recordings that may be used in the routine. The songs may be edited to enhance choreography and personal performance.
5. The competition music must not contain inappropriate, lewd or offensive language.
1. Performance order is determined by drawing of lots conducted by the competition organizer.
1. A crew who fails to appear on the stage and initiate the starting position within sixty (60) seconds after being called will be declared a “no show” and disqualified.
(dance arrangements, concept)
THEME & MUSIC = 2 points
(musicality, beat technique/syncopation,timing, moves related to the music)
ORIGINALITY = 2 points
(incorporating unique and original/creative moves)
PERFORMANCE = 4 points
(entertainment value/crowd appeal, staging, spacing formations and level/ changes, synchronization, execution showmanship and variety of hip hop routines)
A total score of ten (10) points.
The following are a list of Street Dance Styles from early foundation to present*:
Bboying/Bgirling (breaking)
House Dance
Party Dances or Club Dances (popular or trendy dances)
Hip Hop Dance/Choreography
1. A panel of judges will consist of five (5)) persons.
2. All judges must meet the eligibility, training, judge skill level and certification requirements set forth by Critical Breakdown Jam Organizers.
3. Judging shall be carried out to utilizing the “Ranking System” and in case of a tie, the Point System shall be applied to break the same. Should there still be a tie after applying the point system the judges led by their chairman shall agree on the means on how to break it.
4. Judges decision is FINAL and IRREVOCABLE.
Protests are prohibited and will not be accepted regarding any score or result of a decision.
Discrepancies in the Rules and/or Competition
Any problem or discrepancy during a competition will be brought to the attention of the competition organizer who will address it with the Head Judge, and/or event committee, and the respective decision(s) made will be final.
Monday, May 30, 2011

The Official Rules and Regulations Manual of CRITICAL BREAKDOWN JAMS – BEATBOX BATTLE contains the participant eligibility/entry requirements, standard procedures and the rules and regulations.
CRITICAL BREAKDOWN JAM BEATBOX BATTLE is a competitive event that provides emcees/rapper with opportunities to showcase the artistry and technique of rapper’s/emcee, for media exposure and championship titles.
Beatbox Define
Beatboxing is a form of vocal percussion which primarily involves the art of producing drum beats,rhythm, and musical sounds using one's mouth, lips, tongue and voice. It may also involve singing, vocal imitation of turntablism, the simulation of horns, strings, and other musical instruments. Beatboxing today is connected with hip hop culture, being one of "the elements", although it is not limited to hip hop music.
1. The beatboxer must abide by the eligibility rules of Critical Breakdown Jam – Freestyle Rap Battle.
2. This is an open category. All applicants have been given equal opportunity to enter, regardless of race, sex or experience.
3. No age limit required
4. Entry/Registration fee is one hundred pesos (100php) only.
5. Waiver & Release of Liability: Each beatboxer must submit a Release of Liability Form and Waiver prior to the competition from liability for any accident or injury occurring to the artist/emcee/rapper prior to, during, or after the competition.
6. The beatboxer is required to complete the registration form and submit the registration form before the date of the competition.
1. Do not bite (copy) someone else work. We want to hear something new/fresh.
2. The tournament is open to beatboxers only. No instruments are permitted; only sounds made using the human anatomy.
3. Battle must be held with 20 beatboxers.
4. Competitors should not perform beatbox routines as already performed in public by other beatboxers, to the best of their knowledge. We should respect the intellectual property rights.
5. Each event is split into three (3) stages: the Preliminary Round, Semi Finals and Finals.
6. In the preliminary round each beat boxers will be given two (2) minutes showcase, the judges will choose who won the showcase based on the judging criteria (see below). Only top four (4) will move on the semi-finals. In case of a tie the judges will deliberate to break the tie.
7. The four remaining competitors will be split into two pairs at random. The pairs will be called to the stage in turn. Names will be picked from a hat, after which each competitor will receive two rounds of one minute with the microphone. The judges will choose who won the round based on the judging criteria (see below). The judges then vote who will move on the finals. In case of a tie another round (OT) will be provided to break the tie.
8. Microphones and monitors water will be provided.
9. Competitors should be alert and near the battle area at the beginning of the proceedings. Failure to arrive on stage when called up will result in disqualification.
10. A reigning champion can only compete to retain their title to a maximum of two times, leading to a string of 3 wins in a row. Should a competitor gain their third title in a row, they shall not be eligible for the following year’s competition.
1.The judges’ decision will be based on the following criteria: the judges will score the highest ten (10) for originality, musicality, technique and crowd reaction.
1. The judging panel must be consisting of five (5) judges.
2. Judges must make their decision as to the winner of each round independently and will have an opportunity to explain their decisions.
3. Decision by the judges is final. There is no appeal process. PROTEST - are prohibited and will not be accepted regarding any score or result of a decision.
Champion: PHP 2,000.00 plus trophy and certificate
Non winners will be given certificates.

The Official Rules and Regulations Manual of CRITICAL BREAKDOWN JAMS – FREESTYLE RAP BATTLE contains the participant eligibility/entry requirements, standard procedures and the rules and regulations.
CRITICAL BREAKDOWN JAM FREESTYLE RAP BATTLE is a competitive event that provides emcees/rapper with opportunities to showcase their artistry and skills in spitting rhymes, for media exposure and championship titles.
Freestyle Rap Define
Freestyle Rap commonly refers to rap lyrics which are improvised through a cappella or with instrumental beats, i.e. performed with no previously composed lyrics, or "off the top of the head".
1. The emcee/rapper must abide by the eligibility rules of Critical Breakdown Jam - Freestyle Rap Battle.
2. This is an open category.
3. No age limit required
4. Entry/Registration fee is one hundred pesos (100php) only.
5. Waiver & Release of Liability: Each emcee/rapper must submit a Release of Liability Form and Waiver prior to the competition from liability for any accident or injury occurring to the artist/emcee/rapper prior to, during, or after the competition.
6. The emcees/rapper is required to complete the registration form and submit the registration form before the date of the competition.
1. Battle must be held with either 16 or 8 Emcees, once all the 16 or 8 slots are already final it will be divided into two brackets. Winners will advance while losers are eliminated without a chance of returning.
1. Do not bite (copy) someone else work. Your freestyle must be 100% original material and shall not infringe upon any third party copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights nor shall it contain any vulgar words and sexually explicit lyrics.
2. The language and dialect to be used in the battle is either English or Tagalog or Taglish.
3. The rap lyrics (punch line) should focus more on humor whether you mock or ridicule your opponent.
4. The organizer/promoter will appoint the timekeeper. He/She will be provided with a stopwatch and will be responsible for indicating the end of each round. The clock starts from the beginning of the first line spoken by the competitor.
5. For the preliminary round of competition each emcee will be given two rounds each for one (1) minute, for the semi-final round each emcee rhymes twice for one (1) minute per round, in the final round each emcee rhymes twice for one (1) minute. In case of a tie another round (OT) will be provided to break the tie.
6. Each Emcee must rhyme over the same beat as their opponent.
7. By participating in this event you permit the recording of your contributions and assign to the organisers the complete copyright and all other rights in your contributions for use in all media.
8. Competitors who are rude, abusive or deemed otherwise unsuitable by the organisers will be disqualified from the competition.
1. The judging panel must be consisting of five (5) judges.
2. Judges must make their decision as to the winner of each round independently and will have an opportunity to explain their decisions.
3. In the case of a round where the judges cannot reach a decision each Emcee will be asked to perform an extra verse for forty five (45) seconds and the concept/topic should be given by the judges. Whenever possible this process should be avoided by the judges.
4. Decision by the judges is final. There is no appeal process. PROTEST - are prohibited and will not be accepted regarding any score or result of a decision.
Champion: PHP 2,000.00 plus certificate
Non winners will be given certificates.
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