The Official Rules and Regulations Manual of CRITICAL BREAKDOWN JAMS – FREESTYLE RAP BATTLE contains the participant eligibility/entry requirements, standard procedures and the rules and regulations.
CRITICAL BREAKDOWN JAM FREESTYLE RAP BATTLE is a competitive event that provides emcees/rapper with opportunities to showcase their artistry and skills in spitting rhymes, for media exposure and championship titles.
Freestyle Rap Define
Freestyle Rap commonly refers to rap lyrics which are improvised through a cappella or with instrumental beats, i.e. performed with no previously composed lyrics, or "off the top of the head".
1. The emcee/rapper must abide by the eligibility rules of Critical Breakdown Jam - Freestyle Rap Battle.
2. This is an open category.
3. No age limit required
4. Entry/Registration fee is one hundred pesos (100php) only.
5. Waiver & Release of Liability: Each emcee/rapper must submit a Release of Liability Form and Waiver prior to the competition from liability for any accident or injury occurring to the artist/emcee/rapper prior to, during, or after the competition.
6. The emcees/rapper is required to complete the registration form and submit the registration form before the date of the competition.
1. Battle must be held with either 16 or 8 Emcees, once all the 16 or 8 slots are already final it will be divided into two brackets. Winners will advance while losers are eliminated without a chance of returning.
1. Do not bite (copy) someone else work. Your freestyle must be 100% original material and shall not infringe upon any third party copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights nor shall it contain any vulgar words and sexually explicit lyrics.
2. The language and dialect to be used in the battle is either English or Tagalog or Taglish.
3. The rap lyrics (punch line) should focus more on humor whether you mock or ridicule your opponent.
4. The organizer/promoter will appoint the timekeeper. He/She will be provided with a stopwatch and will be responsible for indicating the end of each round. The clock starts from the beginning of the first line spoken by the competitor.
5. For the preliminary round of competition each emcee will be given two rounds each for one (1) minute, for the semi-final round each emcee rhymes twice for one (1) minute per round, in the final round each emcee rhymes twice for one (1) minute. In case of a tie another round (OT) will be provided to break the tie.
6. Each Emcee must rhyme over the same beat as their opponent.
7. By participating in this event you permit the recording of your contributions and assign to the organisers the complete copyright and all other rights in your contributions for use in all media.
8. Competitors who are rude, abusive or deemed otherwise unsuitable by the organisers will be disqualified from the competition.
1. The judging panel must be consisting of five (5) judges.
2. Judges must make their decision as to the winner of each round independently and will have an opportunity to explain their decisions.
3. In the case of a round where the judges cannot reach a decision each Emcee will be asked to perform an extra verse for forty five (45) seconds and the concept/topic should be given by the judges. Whenever possible this process should be avoided by the judges.
4. Decision by the judges is final. There is no appeal process. PROTEST - are prohibited and will not be accepted regarding any score or result of a decision.
Champion: PHP 2,000.00 plus certificate
Non winners will be given certificates.
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ReplyDeleteDO ARRANGE ONE THIS 2012. I WANT TO GIVE IT A GO! I was aware not about this as I was not interested in such art. Until Eminem had elaborated the beauty of it through specific words not, but truly by passion. I will spit out deep words through self study of linguistics. Farewell. AGAIN, PLEASE ARRANGE ONE THIS 2012!!! THANKS!!!