The Official Rules and Regulations Manual of CRITICAL BREAKDOWN JAMS – BEATBOX BATTLE contains the participant eligibility/entry requirements, standard procedures and the rules and regulations.
CRITICAL BREAKDOWN JAM BEATBOX BATTLE is a competitive event that provides emcees/rapper with opportunities to showcase the artistry and technique of rapper’s/emcee, for media exposure and championship titles.
Beatbox Define
Beatboxing is a form of vocal percussion which primarily involves the art of producing drum beats,rhythm, and musical sounds using one's mouth, lips, tongue and voice. It may also involve singing, vocal imitation of turntablism, the simulation of horns, strings, and other musical instruments. Beatboxing today is connected with hip hop culture, being one of "the elements", although it is not limited to hip hop music.
1. The beatboxer must abide by the eligibility rules of Critical Breakdown Jam – Freestyle Rap Battle.
2. This is an open category. All applicants have been given equal opportunity to enter, regardless of race, sex or experience.
3. No age limit required
4. Entry/Registration fee is one hundred pesos (100php) only.
5. Waiver & Release of Liability: Each beatboxer must submit a Release of Liability Form and Waiver prior to the competition from liability for any accident or injury occurring to the artist/emcee/rapper prior to, during, or after the competition.
6. The beatboxer is required to complete the registration form and submit the registration form before the date of the competition.
1. Do not bite (copy) someone else work. We want to hear something new/fresh.
2. The tournament is open to beatboxers only. No instruments are permitted; only sounds made using the human anatomy.
3. Battle must be held with 20 beatboxers.
4. Competitors should not perform beatbox routines as already performed in public by other beatboxers, to the best of their knowledge. We should respect the intellectual property rights.
5. Each event is split into three (3) stages: the Preliminary Round, Semi Finals and Finals.
6. In the preliminary round each beat boxers will be given two (2) minutes showcase, the judges will choose who won the showcase based on the judging criteria (see below). Only top four (4) will move on the semi-finals. In case of a tie the judges will deliberate to break the tie.
7. The four remaining competitors will be split into two pairs at random. The pairs will be called to the stage in turn. Names will be picked from a hat, after which each competitor will receive two rounds of one minute with the microphone. The judges will choose who won the round based on the judging criteria (see below). The judges then vote who will move on the finals. In case of a tie another round (OT) will be provided to break the tie.
8. Microphones and monitors water will be provided.
9. Competitors should be alert and near the battle area at the beginning of the proceedings. Failure to arrive on stage when called up will result in disqualification.
10. A reigning champion can only compete to retain their title to a maximum of two times, leading to a string of 3 wins in a row. Should a competitor gain their third title in a row, they shall not be eligible for the following year’s competition.
1.The judges’ decision will be based on the following criteria: the judges will score the highest ten (10) for originality, musicality, technique and crowd reaction.
1. The judging panel must be consisting of five (5) judges.
2. Judges must make their decision as to the winner of each round independently and will have an opportunity to explain their decisions.
3. Decision by the judges is final. There is no appeal process. PROTEST - are prohibited and will not be accepted regarding any score or result of a decision.
Champion: PHP 2,000.00 plus trophy and certificate
Non winners will be given certificates.