The Official Rules and Regulations Manual of CRITICAL BREAKDOWN JAMS – GRAFFITI BATTLE contains the participant eligibility/entry requirements, standard procedures and the rules and regulations.
CRITICAL BREAKDOWN JAM GRAFFITI BATTLE is a competitive graff writer event that provides writer with opportunities to showcase the artistry and technique of graffiti writing, for media exposure and championship titles.
Graffiti Define
Graffiti - is the name for images or lettering scratched, scrawled, painted or marked in any manner on property. Graffiti is any type of public markings that may appear in the forms of simple written words to elaborate wall paintings.
1. Crews must abide by the eligibility rules of Critical Breakdown Jam - Graffiti Battle.
2. This is an open category.
3. Crews have to have to submit their artwork to the organizer for evaluation and the organizer will only choose five (5) crews to compete on October 8, 2011. (we wanted to cater everybody but the walls to be provided is only limited)
4. Each entry should have a minimum of three (3) members and a maximum of five (5) members.
5. Waiver & Release of Liability: Each group must submit a Release of Liability Form and Waiver prior to the competition from liability for any accident or injury occurring to a group member prior to, during, or after the competition.
6. Crews are required to complete the registration form and submit the registration form before the date of the competition.
1. The concept will be provided by the organizer.
2. Do not bite (copy) someone else work.
3. All biters/ fakers/haters are not welcome.
4. Canvas/Wall will be provided by the organizer except for the spray paints.
5. All graffiti must be completed on provided canvas.
6. All contestants must complete their mural within 4 hours.
7. No naked or nude character on the canvass the crew will violate this rule will be disqualified.
8. The organizer has the full ownership and copyright of the final canvass.
9. Competitors who are rude, abusive or deemed otherwise unsuitable by the organisers will be disqualified from the competition.
1. Lettering – The organizer judges wanted to see fresh lettering, we are looking for solid lettering structures.
2. Concept - The crew must address the assigned word with a concept. This is where characters, backgrounds, and messaging are considered. The concept is provided by the organizer.
3. Color - Judges will be looking to see how well you used color to make your pieces burn.
4. Originality - Judges are looking for something new and different than what you usually do. Surprise us. Also your style must be unique, as opposed to clearly being a derivative of someone else’s style.
5. Technique - Here is where we consider your can control, and what you do with techniques that sets your piece apart from the pack.
1. Pieces will be judged by a panel of judges.
2. Judges score each criteria 1-10, with 10 being the highest. Scores are totaled for each painter, and then all the judges’ scores are added together. In case of a tie, judges must deliberate and pick a winner.
3. Judges can award a zero (0) if the artist broke a rule.
4. Incomplete paintings and incorrectly spelled words are disqualified.
5. Judges are chosen by the organizer.
6. Judges will have an opportunity to explain their decisions.
7. Decision by the judges is final. There is no appeal process. PROTEST - are prohibited and will not be accepted regarding any score or result of a decision.
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